
    Member of Anti-Ragging Committee

    Sl No. MEMBER OF Anti – Ragging Committee Name
    1. Director, Chairperson Dr. Suman Kumar
    2. Representative of Civil Administration
    3. Representative of Police Administration Mr. Bhaskar Pawar
    4. Representative of Local Media
    5. Representative of NGO involved in Youth Activity
    6. Faculty Representative
    a) Lecturer (Education), Member Dr. Suni Mathew
    b) Lecturer (Speech and Hearing) and I/c. HOD Audiology, Member Mr. Mohd. Shamim Ansari
    c) Lecturer (Speech and Hearing), SWO and Member Dr. Ravali Mathur
    Lecturer, Member Mrs. Ravali Mathur
    7. Rector – Boys Hostel
    8. Rector – Girls Hostel
    9. Administrative Officer / Office Superintendent
    10. Parents :- Mr. Chandrashekhar Sharma F/o Anu Sharma BASLP Sem-III
    11. Representative of Non-teaching Staff Member Mr. Harshwardhan Malwade, J.E.
    12. Student Representative :-
                                                                                              Fresher :- 1. Vaishnavi Vinay, BASLP

    2. Gautam Kumar Jha, BASLP

    3. Snehal Narwade, M.Sc, (A)

    4. Hrishikesh Raj, M.Sc, (A)

                                                                                              Senior :- 1. Praveen Kumar Singh, BASLP

    2. Santanu Saha, BASLP

    3. Anshul Fulkar, M.Sc, (A)

    4. Prateeksha Pardeshi, M.Sc, (A)

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